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Third Of Brits Think Sexting Is Not Cheating

More than a third of Britons do not think sexting another person when they are in a relationship is cheating, new research has revealed.

Eight percent of the 2,150 men and women surveyed in the online poll admitted to sexting.

But a far greater proportion - 35% - did not think it amounted to being unfaithful.

Sexting is defined as sending flirty messages or explicit images to someone who is not your partner.

The study was commissioned by law firm Slater and Gordon after finding its clients were increasingly citing adultery in divorce proceedings.

This was despite the fact the law would not permit it.

In the UK someone can only sue for divorce on the ground of adultery if their husband or wife has had extramarital sex.

Rupi Rai, family lawyer at Slater and Gordon, said: "We have seen a rise in the number of clients coming to us who think their partner has crossed the line and committed adultery, but not in the traditional sense.

"What some might consider sending flirty messages or explicit pictures, others consider to be detrimental to their relationship and cause as much hurt and upset as physically cheating.

"The research is a real warning to couples about being careful not to cross that line."

Explicit photos were considered by the majority to be less acceptable than flirty texts, with 62% of respondents saying they would feel very guilty about sending one.

Of those polled, 34% of men compared to 49% of women, thought sexting was cheating.

This post was written by: Raymond Jack

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